How much does it cost to use Sync for Procore?

How much does it cost to use Sync for Procore?

Sync uses services to maintain an active connection for each new account that is connected. As these resources are utilized, a minimum connection fee is assessed. This fundamental connection fee (also referred to as the standard package) is $100 USD and includes up to 10 actively syncing Procore projects per month.

This means that if your company is syncing 1-10 Procore projects, there are no additional charges, but if the number of actively syncing projects exceeds ten, those other projects (11+) would be assessed an additional $10/project per month.

About the total project count, only actively syncing projects are included. You may have as many projects 'connected' as you like, but only the projects that have pushed or pulled data from Procore are counted towards the total. Actively syncing projects are any project that has pushed or pulled data from Procore (to/from Smartsheet/MS Project) within the preceding 30 calendar days.
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